Congratulations Friend!

This month we had big reasons for celebrating! One of my clients saw a huge difference in the amount of fibrin found in her blood after implementing her protocol for a few months.
What is Fibrin?
Fibrin is a type of protein that helps heal wounds during an injury. As seen in the image above it is shaped like a thread and interlaces to create a web around blood cells which causes the blood to clot. After the fibrin has finished it's job, your body creates enzymes to clean up this web and leave everything like it was before. Without fibrin forming when we need it, we would be in a lot of trouble.
The problem is when there is too much fibrin formation in the blood this can happen a few different ways.
Fibrin is produced in the liver in response to inflammation.
Certain enzymes deficiencies can accelerate production.
Pain medications disrupts the bodies signal to create enzymes, and fibrin continues forming.
Increased gut permeability causes constant fibrin formation to occur to repair the intestinal lining.
The Problem with Excess Fibrin
Overtime fibrin strands thicken and harden which can lead to:
obstruction of blood flow in the circulatory system
scar tissue
reduce range of motion
chronic pain (even fibromyalgia is connected)
Fibrin can then move to every muscle and organ in the body.
A colleague of mine recently shared with me her story of excess fibrin:
"I had my uterus removed. Five years later, I had emergency surgery to remove the scar tissue (fibrin) that had filled the cavity and reached over and wrapped itself around my colon... It can wrap around your stomach, your digestive tract... Rogue fibrin can do a LOT of damage!!!"
What Else Should I Know?
-Cigarette smoke exposure shortens the time in takes for fibrin to form and increases the strength of clots.
-"Cancer cells have about 15 times as much fibrin around them as health cells. The protein's stickiness makes it impossible for the immune system to reach the cancer cells and destroy them." ( Excess fibrin is not shown to cause malignancy, but can possibly affect tumor cell growth progression.
-"Studies show that our internal fibrin control systems begin to decline around the age 27."(
The Good News!
As mentioned earlier with proper supplementation and diet we are able to decrease the amount of fibrin found in our blood. The use of a supplement serrapeptase has been shown to help reduce excess fibrin production. Serrapeptase is an enzyme that can be taken on an empty stomach to help get rid of the build up of protein. Reducing foods that cause inflammation, and working on restoring the gut also decrease the likelihood of this build up in the first place.
After three months of monitoring her cells (and dedication to her protocol) my client was able to drastically reduce the web of fibrin seen during her analysis. Not only that, but she says she is now noticing a big increase in energy and a reduction in foggy thinking!
Congratulations! You know who you are.
Neogenesis LBA Manual ED4BB by Dr. Okker R Botha, 2012